Dan, AC6LA, has a new domain name, http://www.ac6la.com/. On the site, there is a variety of software, including some programs that are free:
- MultiNEC – Run Antenna Modeling Programs on AutoPilot – $39
- EZPlots – Plot EZNEC Frequency Sweep Data – $19
- XLZIZL – Picture the Rest of Your Antenna System – Free
- MakeGIF – Make a GIF / JPEG / PNG File from a Clipboard Copy – Free
- TLDetails – Transmission Line Program with Animated Charts – Free
- MoxGen – Moxon Rectangle Generator – Free
Kok Chen, W7AY w7ay (at) arrl (dot) net cocoaNEC 2.0 is a Mac OS Xapplication for designing and modeling antennas. As indicated by the name, cocoaNEC uses the Cocoaframework of Mac OS X. The application is free and it can be downloaded from the Downloadpage (which can also be accessed by using the Download tab button at the top of. 4nec2 is easy to use and comes with a basic 3D editor to help novices create antenna models, compare field patterns, generate SWR charts and learn in. 4NEC2 4nec2 is a completely free Nec2, Nec4 and windows based tool for creating, viewing, optimizing and checking 2D and 3D style antenna geometry structures and generate, display and/or compare near/far-field radiation patterns for both the starting and experienced. MMANA Free software based on MININEC from DL2KQ-EU1TT. CocoaNEC Free NEC software for the Mac OS-X Tiger operating system by W7AY. Other MOM-based Software Providers: WIPL-D Method of Moments software. ANSYS Designer 2D+ Code for Patch Antenna Design (Free Student Version - no longer available). Antenna Magus – the first antenna design tool of its kind – has a huge database of antennas that can be explored to find, design and export models of designed antennas to CST MICROWAVE STUDIO®. MicroStripes is the most powerful electromagnetic simulation software for microwave, antenna design and installed antenna performance.
TLDetails and MoxGen are self-contained, the others require that you
have Excel 97 or later already installed.
TLDetails looks really interesting to me.
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We believe that the best way to learn about fractals is to explore them yourself! Please download the fractal software below and begin to explore the infinite realm of fractals.
XaoS for Windows | XaoS for Mac OS X | Instructions for XaoS | Try the latest pre-release version 4.0 (Linux and Mac Catalina compatible) Try the javascript prototype version of XaoSjs in your browser!
This is the dazzling Real-Time Zoomer featured in our presentations. Explore the Mandelbrot set and 23 other fractals. Open-source, free, fast, amazing. Used by children everywhere, it’s even simple enough for adults. Free!
FRAX (99 cents)
This is an app for iPhones and iPads, and it is the best touch screen fractal explorer EVER made. It’s simply wonderful! You can pinch to zoom or spin and steer by tilting. Incredible fun, and so beautiful.
FRAX Lite – a taste of FRAX
A taste of FRAX for free!
Antenna Modeling Software Free Mac
Fractal to Desktop
Live-render fractals to your desktop! Windows machines only at this time.
Wildfire is a free and user-friendly image-processing software, mostly known for its sophisticated flame fractal generator. It is Java-based, open-source and runs on any major computer platform. There is also a special Android-version for mobile devices. Go to the downloads page to get this free program for Windows, Linux or Mac machines.
Fractal Simulations
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Fractal Landscapes
Make your own fractal landscapes
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Mandelbulber | Mandelbulb3D
If you’re ready to explore 3D fractals like the Mandelbulb and Mandelbox, here are two great free programs that will open up infinite worlds. The first one may be a little more powerful and possibly a bit faster, but the second one is a little easier to use. I love them both! And they’re both Free!
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Ultra Fractal
When you are ready for more power, Ultra Fractal is an awesome, professional package that supports animation, arbitrarily deep fractals, and extremely high resolution.
Antenna Modeling Software Free Mac Operating System
This is a complex and powerful 3D modeling program that makes fractals really well. A professional program, it supports animation as well as high resolution rendering.
Electric Sheep
This is an incredible evolving collaborative fractal screen saver project. Download the screensaver (for Mac, PC or linux) and let your computer help create some of the most beautiful fractal animations anywhere. Interact with it by voting on your favorite sheep, and help contribute to the fractal evolution! Free!
This incredible realtime video manipulation software allows the user to do all sorts of fun and beautiful live video effects, and best of all it is integrated with XaoS, the fractal zoomer, so you can blend yourself and your friends into the infinite fractal landscapes…
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Google Earth
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