Pip broken under Mac OS X Catalina? TLDR;
pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option='-I/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/' --global-option='-L/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib/' --prefer-binary -r requirements.txt
As Apple has announced, Mac OS Catalina now runs under its own read only file system:
In this video, I walk you through the process of installing Python 3 and properly setting it up so that it becomes the default instead of the System Python 2. Python 3 in macOS Catalina: Fixing the abort trap. At some point in the beta program of macOS Catalina Homebrew ’s python 3 broke and only ended up showing an “Abort trap: 6” for every command that involved using it. This included pip3 and other tools that were previously downloaded and worked as expected. Python itself does not provide a macOS GUI application interface; that is something that IDLE does (and other third-party IDEs that support Python). The Launcher app dates back to the very earliest days of Mac OS X when Python for Classic MacOS (System 9) was ported over.
- Think to remove this version and reinstall. Read this post, How to uninstall Python 2.7 on a Mac OS X 10.6.4? One post reminds not to remove Mac built in python. I have multiple versions of python managed by pyenv. Just wonder where could I check Mac Catalina 10.15 built in python version?
- How to setup python environment on macOS. On this page I describe how to setup python environment on macOS Catalina (10.13). When I upgrade to a next major version of macOS it's almost always some problems appear - some tools stop working, eapecially if you use your system for software development.
macOS Catalina runs on a dedicated, read-only system volume called Macintosh HD. This volume is completely separate from all other data to help prevent the accidental overwriting of critical operating system files. [1]
Sounds great. But if you need to change that volume, or if you use software that expects to be able to find files on that read only volume that aren't there and can't be added, you're kind of stuck.
One example is Python's pip which, for some packages, will expect to find header files located in /usr/include. Apple gave developers a get-out-of-jail-free card in Mojave:
As a workaround, an extra package is provided which will install the headers to the base system. In a future release, this package will no longer be provided. [2]
and in true Apple fashion, the package was taken away. This creates problems if you want to install commonly used, but maybe not so commonly maintained, libraries. One example is Pillow, an image processing library. This will well and truly fail to compile if you just try pip install Pillow
. It looks for the headers and libraries, and doesn't find them.
What can we do? Well, for pip there's a few options. The first is simply not to compile at all, but to prefer a binary. This is as simple in some cases as the --prefer-binary
option. But what if, like Pillow, there is no precompiled binary for your platform? Or for reasons of information security, you have to compile it yourself?
Fortunately, pip can be directed to look in different places using the 'global-options' flag. To get Pillow to build, use the command at the top of this article, reproduced below:
pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option='-I/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/' --global-option='-L/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib/' --prefer-binary -r requirements.txt
To understand this more fully, take a look at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18783390/python-pip-specify-a-library-directory-and-an-include-directory.
If you need to do a similar function as part of other install tools, common environment variables are LD_LIBRARY_PATH
(deprecated[3], but still commonly used), LIBRARY_PATH
. Setting these to the library paths (/Library ... /usr/lib) and include paths (/Library ... /usr/include) respectively may help.
Python Os X Catalina
I'm still working on getting pyenv
in my bloodstream. It seems like totally the right tool for having different versions of Python available on macOS that don't suddenly break when you run brew upgrade
periodically. But every thing I tried failed with an error similar to this:
I read through the Troubleshooting FAQ and the 'Common build problems' documentation. xcode
was up to date and I had all the related brew
packages upgraded. Nothing seemed to work.
Until I saw this comment on an open pyenv
issue: 'Unable to install any Python version on MacOS'
All I had to do was replace the 10.14
for 10.15
and now it finally worked here on Catalina 10.15. So, the magical line was this:
Hopefully, by blogging about it you'll find this from Googling and I'll remember the next time I need it because it did eat 2 hours of precious evening coding time.
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